Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations




Patterned coats, glowing spaces, vast vistas. Solitude, contrast, warmth. Camouflage, trees, textiles. Pattern, light, style. Freedom, trust, creativity. Europe, music tours, Singing Holidays—Rosanna Tasker.


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations


▏Immersed in Patterns & Solitude

1-1) Swathed in patterned coats, overlooking expansive vistas, or reveling the joys of solitude, the characters in Rosanna Tasker’s illustrations (previously) delight in simple pleasures.  Emphasizing the potential of color and contrast to create a sense of warmth and depth, figures bask in glowing interiors, and landscapes fade into the blue of distance.

1-2) Tasker’s figures are often camouflaged or miniaturized by their towering surroundings, whether wandering among stacks of textiles or strolling through a grove of trees. “Recently, I’ve been enjoying playing with pattern, light and depth.” “I’m always aiming for the balance of challenging my comfort zone while also staying true to my natural style.”


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations


▏Shines with open Briefs & Light Experiments for Singing Holidays!

2-1) While she can’t yet divulge some of the exciting projects in the works for the coming year, Tasker is currently working on another illustration for Singing Holidays, which plans music-focused tours around Europe and elsewhere.

2-2) She enjoys working with clients that provide open briefs and lend their full trust. For example, Singing Holidays gives her “the space to really experiment with my work and create images that are mostly self initiated, while still having some parameters or starting points to work within—which is my favourite type of commission and when I feel most creative,” she says.


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations


Wonder and Warmth Emanate from Rosanna Tasker’s Vivid Illustrations








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