A vibrant building in the middle of a bustling night rainbow

A vibrant building in the middle of a bustling night rainbow:A Rainbow Office Building Brightens a vibrant building in the middle of a bustling Up the Tokyo Streets with Prismatic Color the city from the office of the terrace is like a landscape photograph with added layers of color



▏A Rainbow Office Building Brightens a vibrant building in the middle of a bustling Up the Tokyo Streets with Prismatic Color the city from the office of the terrace is like a landscape photograph with added layers of color




▎If you, like us, were envious of the kiddos attending this kaleidoscopic kindergarten a few years back, we have good news. The architecture firm behind the school has another project with a similarly bold outlook.


Keiichiro Sako, of the eponymous SAKO Architects, tucked a vibrant building in the middle of a bustling Tokyo street, this time designed for professionals.  Titled “Vertical Rainbow Office Building,” the narrow construction was completed in 2019 and is cloaked with a vivid facade of tempered laminated glass.


Sako’s team developed a special paint that they applied in a gradient so that  “the view of the city from the office through the terrace is like a landscape photograph with added layers of color,”  he says. Horizontal frames hold the material in place and add a sleek, minimalist detail. When sunlight hits the building, bright rays illuminate the offices, while evening darkness transforms the building into a beacon of glowing prisms, or what the architect playfully refers to as a “night rainbow.”
















A vibrant building in the middle of a bustling night rainbow:A Rainbow Office Building Brightens a vibrant building in the middle of a bustling Up the Tokyo Streets with Prismatic Color the city from the office of the terrace is like a landscape photograph with added layers of color


Om onvervangbaar te zijn, moet je altijd anders zijn.
Er zijn fascinerende beelden hier, en de fascinerende dag van samen!  xo
Per essere insostituibili bisogna sempre essere diverso.
Ci sono immagini affascinanti qui, e l’affascinante giornata di insieme!  xo KanikaChic

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